Super Titles
SEO Titles with style
Weebly element that allows you to use any of the available html Heading tags.
Your start to a good SEO website. Additionally styling options have been added to give more flexibility to the titles, currently available options are:
Google Fonts Available to use with Super Titles
Sans Serif Types
- Actor
- Advent Pro
- Amaranth
- Cabin
- Cantarell
- Dosis
- Droid Sans
- Inconsolata
- Karla
- Lato
- Molengo
- Montserrat
- Muli
- News Cycle
- Nunito
- Open Sans
- Oswald
- Oxygen
- PT Sans
- Questrial
- Quicksand
- Raleway
- Roboto
- Source Sans Pro
- Ubuntu
- Varela
Serif Types
- Abril Fatface
- Arvo
- Bree Serif
- Cardo
- Coustard
- Crimson Text
- Droid Serif
- EB Garamond
- Gentium Basic
- Glegoo
- IM Fell
- Josefin Slab
- Lora
- Mate SC
- Patua One
- Playfair Display
- Poly
- Quattrocento
- Rokkitt
- Stoke
- Vollkorn
Mono Types
- Droid Sans Mono
Handwritten Types
- Architects Daughter
- Cookie
- Pacifico
- Playball
- Reenie Beanie
- Sofia
- Tangerine
Bold Block Types
- Lemon
- Luckiest Guy
Decorative Types
- Aquiline
- Bangers
- Codystar
- Ewert
- Fredericka the Great
- Iceberg
- Lobster
- Metamorphous
- Monoton